Product Page - White, Marshall: How the Design of Unit Loads Impacts the Safety of Supply Chain Operations - Lessons Learned from Accidents Involving Unit Loads During Shipping and Storage, 2019
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White, Marshall: How the Design of Unit Loads Impacts the Safety of Supply Chain Operations - Lessons Learned from Accidents Involving Unit Loads During Shipping and Storage, 2019
$75.00 USD

Examples from actual unit load performance failures will be described. Using the sometimes-tragic consequences of these failures, package and pallet designers will be reminded that safety is "job 1". The forensic procedures to determine the causes of these failures, will be described. The causes are typically classified as unit loads were miss-handled, improper unit load design, or a defective unit load design. Examples of each of these causes will be used to demonstrate how to operate safe unit load-based supply chains. Methods of accident prevention and mitigation will be described. This will include education, proper design procedures that include testing, use of standards, inspection procedures, and best practices for handling, storing, and shipping unitized products.


Tags: Lessons Learned, Unitized Loads