Product Page - Somers, Tagore & Chida, Jeffrey: Multi-Axis Vibration Profiles for Pharmaceutical Shipping Studies, 2019
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Somers, Tagore & Chida, Jeffrey: Multi-Axis Vibration Profiles for Pharmaceutical Shipping Studies, 2019
$75.00 USD

Shipping studies to confirm product quality through distribution are a pre-requisite for approval of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. To reduce cost and increase statistical confidence in these studies, Eli Lilly has developed a test facility capable of executing multi-axis vibration studies within a temperature and pressure controlled environment. Since industry standard vibration profiles are not available for multi-axis vibration, Lilly has developed multi-axis vibration profiles based on data recorded during domestic and international product shipments. This paper will discuss the methodology for acquiring and processing vibration data and the approach to creation and execution of test protocols using the Lilly profiles.  The paper will focus on the current profiles for over the road trucks, but will include summary conclusions regarding data collected for transport by Ocean and Air as well as next steps planned to mitigate limiting factors in the process.


Tags: Medical Device, Pharma, Vibration