Product Page - Norton, Travis & Theriault, Anthony: Thinking Outside the 'Test' Box: Evolved Testing Strategies for an Evolving World of Transport, 2019
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Norton, Travis & Theriault, Anthony: Thinking Outside the 'Test' Box: Evolved Testing Strategies for an Evolving World of Transport, 2019
$75.00 USD

Before Testing / Requirements Development - Distribution 'surveillance' to understand handling practices vs. testing protocol - Building a curve with PSI vs. hydraulic pressure to validate forces used for testing - Monitoring of packaging process at factory and shipping / handling prior to lab During Testing / Innovations for Insights - Seeing inside the box during testing using go-pro cameras - Using wireless detector to assess when damage occurred - Force measuring systems for real time strain on materials After Testing / Package & Product Engineering - If FAILED: Product engineering solution vs. package vs. combination - If PASSED: How to de-spec the package and/or product to reduce cost 


Tags: Testing