Product Page - Mayer, Bill: Development of a Laboratory Mechanical Durability Test for Reusable Parcel Thermal Packaging Systems, 2019
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$75.00 USD
A laboratory mechanical durability test that can properly assess the suitability of a reusable parcel thermal packaging system over repeated uses through the distribution chain currently does not exist. Pelican BioThermal has undertaken a three-phase approach to try and develop such a test method for our internal use. The scope is contained to reusable thermal packaging systems that are 150 Lbs. or less and designed to be utilized within the parcel delivery system. Phase I of the project involves setting requirements, creation of the transit route map and research on average mechanical test intensities. Phase II of the project involves creation of a hazard map and its translation into a draft test procedure (including proposed intensities for the various sequences). Phase III of the project involves validation of the test procedure and intensities. To date phase I and phase II have been completed while plans to complete phase III are underway. Therefore, plans on how phase III will be completed will be discussed and any results at the time of the presentation can be shown. Further areas of development/improvement and next steps will also be discussed. A challenge that will be addressed throughout the development of the method is how to expose the systems to more of an "average" trip multiple times versus an "intense" trip once as many current standards do today.