Product Page - Dong, Gary: Amazon's Latest Device Package Innovation, 2019
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$75.00 USD
The common challenge: “Design a package that reduces cost, increases operational efficiency, improves customer experience, and minimizes environmental impact… and is robust enough to protect the product from any damage… and delights the customer with a thoughtful, intuitive, low-cost design.”
This presentation will follow the design process for the latest Kindle Paperwhite e-reader that includes global consumer testing, fulfillment center reviews, retailer feedback, rounds of transit testing (field and lab), a dive into sustainability and ventures into automation optimization with packaging suppliers and device manufacturers. The result is a design that pushes the boundaries of device packaging and meets the challenge by delighting customers with an innovative lean structure, 30% cost reduction, 72% more units per pallet, and a reduction of paper equal to six thousand trees per million devices. What was once a “moonshot” has become our newest reality and most optimized packaging structure to date.
This presentation will follow the design process for the latest Kindle Paperwhite e-reader that includes global consumer testing, fulfillment center reviews, retailer feedback, rounds of transit testing (field and lab), a dive into sustainability and ventures into automation optimization with packaging suppliers and device manufacturers. The result is a design that pushes the boundaries of device packaging and meets the challenge by delighting customers with an innovative lean structure, 30% cost reduction, 72% more units per pallet, and a reduction of paper equal to six thousand trees per million devices. What was once a “moonshot” has become our newest reality and most optimized packaging structure to date.