Product Page - Dunno, Kyle: Effect of Stretch Wrap Parameters on the Transmissibility of Unitized Loads Excited by Random Vibration, 2019
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Dunno, Kyle: Effect of Stretch Wrap Parameters on the Transmissibility of Unitized Loads Excited by Random Vibration, 2019
$75.00 USD

Although stretch wrap is the most common material used in the transport packaging industry to unitize loads, very little is understood about how the material behaves during transit. The purpose of stretch wrap is to unitize and prevent the individual units from shifting and moving on the pallet deck during transport. When applying stretch film to the load, there are a variety of parameters which can be adjusted in order to generate different on-pallet stretch percentages. The most common of these parameters is pre-stretch percentage. In addition to pre-stretch, other common parameters include the number of revolutions and tension on the unit load. Missing from the literature available, are how these parameters affect the response of a unit load during a simulated truck transport.

The project captured the transmissibility responses from two different unit load systems employing three different stretch wrap parameters. The pre-stretch variable for this project was held constant, and adjustments were made to other parameters in order to produce negative, neutral, and positive on-pallet stretch percentage. Results from this project will aid in determining how different film grades and stretch wrap parameters affect the unit loads response when excited using industry standard random vibration power spectral density (PSD) profiles.


Tags: Stretch Film, Unitized Loads, Vibration