Product Page - Van Den Boogaard, Gerard: Stability Palletised Corrugated Packaging in Modern Supply Chains, 2018
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Van Den Boogaard, Gerard: Stability Palletised Corrugated Packaging in Modern Supply Chains, 2018
Member Price: $0.00 USD
Non-Member Price: $75.00 USD

The main challenges of modern supply chains are managing the volatility, adapting to the omni-channel consumer and becoming more sustainable. In any supply chain scenario palletized packaging plays a role, however, the boundary conditions are changing rapidly.  Mixed loads, stacked pallets, repacking, etc. are no longer the exception to enable producers managing the ever-increasing supply chain complexity.
The higher requirements on pallet handling puts more and more pressure on the stability of palletised corrugated packaging. Palletised corrugated packages should be stable in any supply chain to avoid logistic problems, health and safety hazards and product damage.
The traditional way to find out if the is a trial (and error) shipment or a test. With today’s potential risks and time pressure this is not sufficient anymore. Combining the results of scientific insights, intensive testing and practical experience enabled us to develop a predictive tool to assess the stability of a palletised load. The tool helps to increase the speed and risk assess the palletized load, a critical step in today's volatile supply chain.


Tags: Supply Chain, Unitized Loads