International Safe Transit Association
Public Video

Frustration-Free Packaging Programs at Amazon: Status and Update

Sabrina Burkhardt, Customer Packaging Experience (CPEX) Lab Manager, Amazon

This webinar highlights the Frustration-Free Packaging Programs’ impact in delighting customers through reducing product damage rates and packaging waste. Beginning with a recap of the development and importance of the ISTA SIOC test, this presentation will provide an overview of both successes and learnings from our original Non-Sort Incentive program and what’s coming next: The Frustration-Free Packaging Programs Incentive Expansion, announced June 1, 2021 for North America. After a walkthrough of the 2021 incentive program, we will close with several case studies from brand owners that have redesigned their packaging to be easy-to-open, 100% recyclable, and can be shipped without adding protective packaging.