Workgroup - India Test Development - International Safe Transit Association

Workgroup - India Test Development

ISTA's Standards Council has approved the formation of an ad hoc workgroup to begin vetting research recently collected in India and building a plan to validate any resultant draft test ingredients. The ultimate outcome of this workgroup would be to present the Standards Council (Stage 3 in ISTA's test development process) a draft test protocol that accounts for this region and represents the research collected. To achieve this goal, ISTA's Standards Council has set the following workgroup expectations.
1) Review the reports to familiarize with the work completed and if needed, consult with the researcher for clarification or additional information.
2) Establish a plan to vet the draft protocol either through raw data comparison of other similar ISTA developed test protocols or by lab correlation to field damage or an alternative method such as a hybrid of raw data comparison and lab correlation
3) Upon plan approval by Standards Council, the workgroup to manage execution of plan
4) Result of approved plan including proposed test protocol to be reviewed and approved by Standards Council prior to moving to the next step of the test development process, consideration by ISTA's consensus body.

The workgroup will kick-off no later than the week of September 27th and anyone is welcome to join at any time. If you are interested in participating in the workgroup and contributing to the development of the draft documents for this proposal, please sign up below.

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